Solar energy can be harnessed with relatively simple technology to provide clean, renewable energy.
Iolo Energy intends to submit a proposal for a new solar energy farm and battery storage, located in the heart of South Wales. Our target is to support the Welsh renewables aim to generate electricity equal to 70% of Wales’ consumption by 2030.
With the UK set to meet ‘net zero’ carbon emissions (compared to 1990 levels) by 2050, there is an urgent need for new, cleaner forms of energy to be produced. Solar farms like Iolo Energy have a major role to play in helping reach our nations goal.
Benefits of Solar Power?
Subsidy-free electricity, without public financial support.
Iolo Energy Solar Farm will not require government subsidy. Solar is now one of the most cost effective sources of clean renewable electricity generation in the UK
This site can deliver solar powered electricity to the grid, via an array of solar panels mounted on the ground. With batteries planned at the site too, solar power can be stored and used at any time whenever it’s needed; day or night, providing power to people’s homes when it’s needed most.
Solar farms are able to deliver large amounts of renewable energy to the local grid. A 50MWp, 100-acre site typically delivers enough electricity to power 12,500 homes in a year.
Solar is a simple, low risk source of home-grown green energy with predictable annual performance, providing efficient energy to the local areas with minimal power loss.
The project is Welsh funded, and to date we have appointed Welsh companies to work on and submit the application. Going forward where possible, the site will be built by Welsh companies and it’s construction will generate an income to the Welsh economy
Biodiversity is still able to thrive amongst the solar park infastructure. Solar farms produce no pollution making it a safe technology for humans, birds, bees, mammals and insects. The land rests and continues to be classified as agricultural land
Introducing the project…
Iolo Energy intends to submit a planning application to the Welsh Government for a 50-megawatt direct connection to the existing power line from Aberthaw Power station. Located at Pen Onn Farm, Llancarfan, Vale of Glamorgan. A south facing farm to the North of Cardiff airport and 4 miles East of the recently decommissioned Aberthaw Power Station. A solar and energy storage park, once built Iolo Energy Solar park could provide enough electricity to power 14,500 homes a year. The project will comprise of an array of solar photovoltaic modules, energy storage and associated development infrastructure.
With two existing pylon lines running east to west through the farm and the farms direct grid connection, it will have no environmental impact outside of the farm boundaries., the infrastructure will be totally self contained.
The site has been the subject of a detailed feasibility study. Consideration has been given to, amongst other things, grid capacity, solar irradiation, topography, residential amenity, environmental designations, cultural heritage, ecology & biodiversity, flood risk & highways.
Due to the capacity of the solar park being 49.9 megawatts (MW), the project is classified as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) The process for applying for a Development of National Significance is set out by the Development of National Significance (Procedure) (Wales) Order 2016 and subsequent Regulations. The application process is managed by the Planning and Environment Decisions Wales Branch of the Welsh Government.
More about Iolo Energy…
Pen Onn is the birth place of Iolo Morganwg, Welsh Antiquarian, Poet and founder of the National Welsh Eisteddfod, hence the chosen name. Pen Onn Farm has been family run since 2008 by David Evans, local farmer and Agricultural Engineers, supporting the Agricultural and Horticultural Industry across South Wales. Born within a mile of the farm and passionate about farming and the village of Llancarfan, but equally as passionate about the environment. Due to the farms ideal south facing location, the farm had been the subject of much interest from national and International Solar firms, David and his family deliberated for many months whether to introduce solar to the farm. With his entreprenurial head on and with climate change constantly in the news, the fight for the preservation of life with breathable air, clean available water, stable weather systems, diverse ecosystems and abundant natural resources for future generations. Solar is central to this fight, and a proven method of reducing our carbon emissions. David made the decision to develop the project himself. With the aim to keep the Project as ‘Welsh as possible’, retaining ownership in Wales, using Welsh Planning firm ASBRI Planning who have worked on numerous clean energy projects. Going forward should the application be successful the plan is to retain as much of the economic value of the project in Wales as possible, using Welsh Suppliers and labour to build the project.
Solar emits no gases or particulates and very little noise and can quickly be accepted as part of the landscape. By temporarily taking land out of agricultural production or reducing the farming activity, solar farms offer considerable opportunities to promote plant, insect, Bees and soil microorganism diversity. The farm will continue to graze sheep amongst the solar infrastructure and once the scheme reaches the end of its operational life, it can easily be removed and with the ground returned to farming.